Fractions Decimals Percentages; Recurring Decimlas Level 3-7

We can represent a value in all forms of Fraction, Decimals, or Percentages. This helps us to understand and relate different applications of basic Maths. If we need to know 36 per cent of a number, we can simply multiply it by 0.36 or \(\frac{9}{25})\ which are its equivalents.

The subject of converting recurring decimals into a fraction can go as far as level 7 in GCSE Maths. Questions start from simple forms and develop to more complex forms.


Key Points and Common Mistakes:

  • When converting a fraction to recurring decimal, you can simply divide numerator to denominator; a fraction essentially means divide in Maths.
  • When converting recurring decimals to fractions, you need to multiply both sides to 10 if there is one recurring decimal, 100 if there is two, 1000 if there is three.

Teachers Info

Ahad R.

Ahad R.

  • Specialist:
  • Experience: Mathematics and Engineering
  • Website:
  • Ahad has over 10 years of experience teaching Maths and Engineering. He has a post-graduate certification learning and teaching in higher education and qualified to a PhD level in Engineering. He has had several activities in promoting STEM-related subjects and teaching maths is a personal interest.
